Columns and critiques

”Unexpected fashion trend unites the experts” Svenska Dagbladet

”NK has sold out and lost its credibility” Svenska Dagbladet

”The mystery clears when I hear the last name” Svenska Dagbladet

”Something feels off about H&M’s major investment” Svenska Dagbladet

”The hidden message is in the clothes” Svenska Dagbladet

”They ask strangers to humiliate them” Svenska Dagbladet

”Why fashion journalism is losing its audience” Svenska Dagbladet

”Is the bag really ‘Made in Italy’?” Svenska Dagbladet

”Swift is the style icon for mediocre girls” Svenska Dagbladet

”Met 2024 Review: ’The glitter bra is painful to watch'” Svenska Dagbladet

”The naked dress gave me a crisis” Svenska Dagbladet

”In the wake of the crisis– the new trend: marry rich” Svenska Dagbladet

”Showed ‘Hell’s terror’– the verdict was harsh” Svenska Dagbladet

”Twitter hasn’t understood the fashion house’s ’BDSM bear'” Svenska Dagbladet


”Good cultural porridge– and inexplicably folksy” Svenska Dagbladet

”I became a ’bad bitch’– has it ruined my life?” Svenska Dagbladet


”The city holds its breath– what happens now?” Svenska Dagbladet

”Two luxury giants: Stable in a shaky world” Svenska Dagbladet

”A journey from Hiroshima to the fashion elite in Paris” Svenska Dagbladet

News articles

”Fashion houses hope for crypto: ’Miracle cure'” Svenska Dagbladet

”Fashion houses aim to attract young buyers– with games” Svenska Dagbladet

”New luxury shame in China– influencers are being cleared out” Svenska Dagbladet

”Fashion houses invest billions– after weak numbers” Svenska Dagbladet

”’Yearning for luxury is a biological heritage’” Svenska Dagbladet